Dear Readers, I am so sorry I have been so neglectful of my blog as of late. I want to post the following notice on the death of Harold Bischoff (son of Emma Brueggeman and grandson of EA Brueggeman).
BISCHOFF Harold William Bischoff, of Dublin, Ohio, passed away Saturday, July 21, 2012. Born on August 9, 1921 in Akron, Ohio, he was the son of Walter and Emma Bischoff (Brueggeman). He is survived by his loving wife, Constance; and his sons, Jon and Tim, and preceded in death by his daughter Nancy. Harold graduated from Akron and Ohio Universities and completed his masters at the Ohio State University in Math and Science education. Harold taught Mathematics at Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua, New York for 33 years. For the last 22 years he resided in Dublin, Ohio spending countless hours wood carving, playing euchre and bridge, and watching his grandchildren, Grace, George, Melanie, Sam, Allen and Stephen grow. Harold touched the lives of many, volunteering for Give the Kids the World, Meals on Wheels, the Dublin Food Panty and serving on the board of the Dublin Senior Center. He will be missed by his family and friends. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Dublin Food Pantry - or Life Care Alliance - A celebration of Hal's life will be held at the Indian Run Methodist Church, 6305 Brand Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, July 28
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
An Article by EA Brueggemann
Max (who must have been taking a study break) found an article today written by E.A. Brueggemann. It is from this journal:
Its title is : The Scriptures, The Word of Prophecy. This is found on page 286-303.
You can find it at this link.
Its title is : The Scriptures, The Word of Prophecy. This is found on page 286-303.
You can find it at this link.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Clamor's Sister lets me know when someone saves information from my tree. Recently, someone saved information about Clamor's older sister, Anna Marie Gertrud. I really only had her birth record in Germany. By following the trail from this person, she was also in Cleveland, though it appears that she arrived later.
Her husband was Eberhardt Heinrich Bente. I cannot find their immigration records but from what I can tell, their youngest son (Otto, a carpenter) came in 1868 followed by his brother (Gerhardt, also a carpenter) in 1872.
Gertrude and Eberhardt were living with Gerhardt on the 1880 census, ages 70 and 72. Gertrude died in 1891 (cannot look her up on the 1890 census as it was lost in a fire) and Eberhardt died in 1887.
Do any of my readers recognize the Bente name?
Her husband was Eberhardt Heinrich Bente. I cannot find their immigration records but from what I can tell, their youngest son (Otto, a carpenter) came in 1868 followed by his brother (Gerhardt, also a carpenter) in 1872.
Gertrude and Eberhardt were living with Gerhardt on the 1880 census, ages 70 and 72. Gertrude died in 1891 (cannot look her up on the 1890 census as it was lost in a fire) and Eberhardt died in 1887.
Do any of my readers recognize the Bente name?
Monday, April 9, 2012
1940 Census Thomas Roberts Riley
Here is the Census Record from 1940 for Thomas Roberts Riley, Elizabeth Maybury Riley, and Sue Alexandria Riley. They were living on St Ledger Ave in Akron. Tom was 81 and had recently retired from Goodyear. Sue (age 32) was listed as a Merchant in a Retail Grocery Store. There is nothing listed for her income, which is a little odd. The house is valued at $5000.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Blank 1940 Census form
I know it was hard to read the original census form that I posted yesterday. Here is a clean and clear blank form. You can fill in the information off the original form to have a cleaner record.
Marie Glawe Funeral was on Wed, April 4
David, Marie's son, sent me what he wrote that was read at her funeral on Wednesday in Winchester. In addition to Marie's husband, grandchildren, and great grand children, Marie's sister, Louise Slater, her husband Mike and their daughters were in attendance as well as Pam Carlton (Juanita Bischoff's daughter).
Marie Dorothy Krausman Glawe
September 10, 1925 – March 31, 2012
I truly wish that I could be here with all of you to talk about my mother. She was a strong woman who loved her family: Parents, aunts uncles, brothers and sister, cousins, nieces and nephews and her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends. She labored for the Lord as a Sunday School Teacher, Bible Study participant, Woman`s group participant and leader and as a parent. Our lives revolved around the church when we were young, we often were one of the first to arrive for the 8:30am Worship Service and the last to leave after the 11:00am Service. Walking beside her Lord she faced the challenges of her life.
When Mom and Dad were first married, mom did not know how to drive. However, when Dad, as a Marine Reservist, was called up for the Korean War she had to learn how to drive. It was learn or sell their brand new car and take a big loss. She then learned to drive. She was always thankful that the Lord had used this opportunity because it served her well. Especially when her mother and husband both ended up in the hospital at the same time. They were in two different hospitals on opposite sides of the city. She drove and faithfully visited both of them each day.
Mom loved to sing her hymns. Now her voice was not the best but that didn`t matter. She sang to us when we were babies and with us at other times. Mom related the tale that once, when I was about 6 – 8 months old she was walking me on her shoulder and singing. She heard this humming noise and tried to locate it in case something was wrong. However, when she stopped singing the hum stopped also. She started singing again and shortly afterwards she started to hear the hum again. She did this several times before she realized that I was trying to sing along with her. She had passed on to both Karen and myself her love of making a joyful noise to the Lord, and it has served me well.
Mom taught us the value of work and reading. We would do the dishes and she would read to us. In the winter she would turn the oven on low, open the door, bring the chair forward and put her feet on the door with her feet facing the oven, Karen would wash and I would dry the dishes and we put supper away as she read The Bobbsy Twins books, other Children`s Classics and of course tell us Bible Stories. Mom also enjoyed playing games with us and she was always delighted when she defeated her college educated children at `Scrabble`, which she did quite often.
Sometimes Mom found it hard to be a parent because she cared so much. When I was confirmed we had a “Question Sunday.” The week before we were confirmed, the confirmands sat together in front of the congregation. The Pastor would then ask questions about Luther’s Small Catechism and other things we had covered in class. At the practise on Saturday morning I got the last question, “Give the seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer and what they mean. I did it but on the way home I told mom that sometimes it seemed as if I had trouble getting the answers out. Now we were not supposed to get the same questions on Sunday as we had in practice. However, one of the girls in the class came down with the measles overnight and sure enough I ended up being the last person to get a question and it was the same one. Everything was quiet and I answered the question. When I finished there was a loud expulsion of air from the back of the church. Apparently mom had held her breath while I answered. It was a good thing I didn’t take any longer or she might have passed out.
Mom and Dad supported me in my choices although friends and family would tell them that they should make me change my mind. They were fine with my beard although others thought that I was on the road to the abyss of hippydom. She also supported my decision to attend Seminex even when my decision later caused some problems in their finding a church home.
Mom lived her life as she felt the Lord leading her, even when others, including my sister and I would question those decisions. She felt that the Lord meant for her and all the body of Christ to make disciples using the gifts and opportunities that were ours alone. That was her mission in life, that in loving all her family and friends with her whole heart. Today is a time for us to rejoice that Marie has now entered the heavenly realm reaping the promise of her life-long faith and love of God and is in the loving and graceful presence of our Lord. When we remember her love and wish to honor her place in our lives we do it best by living our faith.
Marie Dorothy Krausman Glawe
September 10, 1925-March 31, 2012
Marie was born to Louise (nee Brueggeman) and Otto Krausman on September 10, 1925 in Akron, Ohio. She was the third child and first daughter of the couple. She had 3 brothers and a sister. Both her mother and father came from large families and she was surround by family, aunts and uncles and cousins. When Marie was 10 years old, in the midst of the Great Depression, the family moved to Washington, D.C.. Otto had been hired as a book binder by the Library of Congress. Louise’s father, the Rev. Ernst August Brueggeman lived with the family for a few years. Marie graduated High School and began working for the government. In late 1945, Marie met Heinz Frank Glawe, a Marine Sargent from Wisconsin. Some of their first dates involved Frank escorting Marie to the hospital after work to see her father and then home. Her Father died in February of 1946. Marie and Frank were wed on June 28, 1946. Their first child, Karen Marie was born in October of 1947. The couple lived in the Maryland suburbs until Frank was called to active duty because of the Korean conflict. They were stationed in Huntington, West Virginia. They returned Washington, D.C. in May of 1952, just two weeks prior to the birth of their second child, David Dale. They live in Maryland and were active in their church. They were founding members of Oxon Hill Lutheran Church and remain active in various positions until they moved to Winchester, Virginia. In 1967 they began taking in foster children and in 1974 they receiver Jacqueline Lee Shepherd whom they eventually adopted. When Frank retired from the Census Bureau in 1979 they move to Winchester Virginia. There, Marie volunteered in the hospital and they ran their own What Not Shop for a few years. After a long struggle of illness, Marie died on March 31, 2012.
Marie was predeceased by her parents, Otto(1946) and Louise(1971); two brothers – Howrd in infancy an Russell (2005); her daughters, Karen (2005) and Jackie (2008) and a great-granddaughter.
Marie is survived and remember by her loving Husband of almost 66 years, Frank, Son David (Sherry-Lynn) of Brooks, Alberta, Canada; her seven grandchildren, Tabatha of Red Deer, Alberta, Canada and Brandon of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Amber(Andrew), Terry, Mary, Michael and China, former granddaughter-in-law, Bridget, all of Winchester, Virginia, and six great-grandchildren; her brother Ernst(Betty) and sister Louise(Mike) and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
She lived her life, faithful to the Lord and loving her family.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Sidney Riley Family 1940 Census has uploaded all the 1940 Census forms! They are not indexed (which means they are not searchable by name yet) but they are working day and night to get it done. They have finished Delaware and Nevada. They are currently on District of Columbia.
If you know the street and a cross street, you can look up using the Enumeration District. Fortunately, I knew the street address where my father's family was living in 1940. I had to search through two districts. They weren't in the first (26 pages) and found them on page 20 (of 36) of the second. Sidney and Selma are at the bottom of this page, with three sons and the youngest three sons are on the next page.
It is a little hard to read, remember you can click on the picture to make it bigger.
They lived at 504 Gage Street. Sid was employed for 40 hours a week at a Rubber Company (we know it was Goodyear) in the Experimental Department. He made $2400 per year in 1939 and worked 52 weeks. Selma was not employed. They owned their home, valued at $2000. He was 42 and Selma 41. My dad, Ramon, was five at the time the census was taken.
If you want me to find any 1940 Records for you, email me with the city, state, street and cross street (you can find the cross street by looking at Google Maps) and I'll see what I can do for you.
If you know the street and a cross street, you can look up using the Enumeration District. Fortunately, I knew the street address where my father's family was living in 1940. I had to search through two districts. They weren't in the first (26 pages) and found them on page 20 (of 36) of the second. Sidney and Selma are at the bottom of this page, with three sons and the youngest three sons are on the next page.
It is a little hard to read, remember you can click on the picture to make it bigger.
They lived at 504 Gage Street. Sid was employed for 40 hours a week at a Rubber Company (we know it was Goodyear) in the Experimental Department. He made $2400 per year in 1939 and worked 52 weeks. Selma was not employed. They owned their home, valued at $2000. He was 42 and Selma 41. My dad, Ramon, was five at the time the census was taken.
If you want me to find any 1940 Records for you, email me with the city, state, street and cross street (you can find the cross street by looking at Google Maps) and I'll see what I can do for you.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Tomorrow is a very big day.
The National Archives releases a US Census every 10 years, 72 years after it was taken. Tomorrow marks the release of the 1940 census, the first one that my parents will show up on. I am quite excited. I was selected as an " Ace" (not sure what that really means) but here is the first info they have sent me:
The National Archives and Records Administration will open the 1940 U.S. Federal Census on April 2, 2012—the first time this collection will be made available to the public. Once we receive the census, we will begin uploading census images to our site so the public can browse them. Initially, this collection will be what we call a browse-only collection. This means a person can scroll through the pages of the census districts much like you would look at a microfilm or a book. At the same time, we will be working behind the scenes to create an index of the census that will eventually allow people to search for their family members by name as they currently can with all other censuses on Note also that the 1940 U.S. Federal Census will be accessible free of charge throughout 2012 on | ||
By the way, two key questions people have are how long will the upload process take? and when will my state be ready. Unfortunately, until we start the process we have no idea exactly how long it will be before all images or a specific state will be uploaded. We like to use this analogy: think about how long it takes to upload all of the images on a memory card onto a home computer. Now imagine that memory card holds 3.8 million, very-high-definition images. You get the picture. |
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Sad News to Report....Marie Krausman Glawe
I received an email this evening....
Marie Dorothy (nee Krausman) Glawe, born September 10, 1925 died today March 31, 2012 at 7:15pm EST at the age of 86. She died peacefully after a long struggle with her health. The funeral is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 at Grace Lutheran Church in Winchester, Virginia.
I will write something further later.
Please keep David, his father, the rest of the family in your prayers....
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
"Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr"
If you can get past his politics (which isn't evident in his PBS work), you may enjoy his new series on PBS. It appears to be much like his "Faces of America" and NBC's "Who Do You Think You Are". The cynic may think that the researchers searched a lot celebrities before asking them to take part, only selecting the ones with interesting stories. I would rather believe what I have always said, everyone has a story worth telling
The basic drive to discover who we are and where we come from is at the core of the new 10-part PBS series Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., the 12th series from Professor Gates, the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University and director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research. Filmed on location across the United States, the series premieres nationally Sundays, March 25 – May 20 at 8 pm ET on PBS (check local listings).
In each hour-long episode, he takes viewers along for the journey with one celebrity pair bound together by an intimate, sometimes hidden link, treks through layers of ancestral history, uncovers secrets and surprises of their family trees and shares life-altering discoveries
The basic drive to discover who we are and where we come from is at the core of the new 10-part PBS series Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., the 12th series from Professor Gates, the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University and director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research. Filmed on location across the United States, the series premieres nationally Sundays, March 25 – May 20 at 8 pm ET on PBS (check local listings).
In each hour-long episode, he takes viewers along for the journey with one celebrity pair bound together by an intimate, sometimes hidden link, treks through layers of ancestral history, uncovers secrets and surprises of their family trees and shares life-altering discoveries
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Lara Ruth Stokes Brueggeman, Anniversary of her Death
She was the wife of Rudolph Brueggemann. She lived a LONG life:
Birth: | May 4, 1899 Cleveland Cuyahoga County Ohio, USA |
Death: | Mar. 10, 2001 Westlake Cuyahoga County Ohio, USA |
![]() Laura Ruth Brueggemann (nee Stokes) died at the Lutheran Home in Westlake on Saturday March 10 at the age of 101. Daughter of Thomas Edwin and Anna May (nee Clifford) Stokes. Wife of Rudolph Brueggemann, they made their home in Lakewood, Bay Village and Rocky River. Mother of Clifford, Eugene, Thomas, and David. She is survived by Reverend Eugene and Lorraine Brueggemann of Ft. Collins, Colorado; David and Lillian Brueggemann of Bay Village, Ohio; nine grandchildren; four great grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Sister of Elizabeth Ayers, Edna Glesher, and Thomas. She was a bookkeeper and homemaker, and loved to travel and tend her garden. Buried at Lakewood Park Cemetery, Section 4, 4 grave 2 |
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Sad News to Report
We heard today that dear Riley Family friend, Theda Hill, passed away on February 6th. She had been ill for sometime. She was born in 1918 in Montgomery County Ohio.
She was a great help to me in providing pictures that Sue Riley had. I was able to talk to her several times about Lizzie Riley. She helped to care for Lizzie in her old age while Sue worked. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who knew my great grandmother.
![]() |
Theda Hill and Sue Riley |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy 21st Birthday Mandy
Anniversary of Ernst A Brueggeman Jr. and Dora Loose
On this day in 1918, Ernst August Brueggemann Jr (Gus) married Dora Loose in Akron Ohio. Here is the Marriage Record from Summit County. I have no idea why it has the big paper covering most of the information.
Remember, you can click on it to make it bigger.
Here is a picture taken close to the time of their marriage.
Remember, you can click on it to make it bigger.
Here is a picture taken close to the time of their marriage.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
John Hueseman: Great-Grandson of Anna Louise Brueggemann
Today is also John's Birthday. He seems to be the "Keeper" of the Family History of his branch of the Brueggemann family. Anna was the daughter of Clamor.
Emma Lizette Brueggemann Bischoff
Today is the birthday of Emma, second daughter of Ernst August and Emma Brueggeman.
She was born in 1891
Here is a picture of Emma and Walter.
She was born in 1891
Here is a picture of Emma and Walter.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Google Search Terms led me to this...
I can check the search terms that lead people to my site. This week someone visited the site after googling "Tabatha Schneider-Glawe". She is the daughter of Rev. David Glawe, grand daughter of Marie Krausman. This is one of the places that also came up, Cross River Wilderness Centre, located in the wilderness of the Canadian Rocky Mountains in between Kootenay National Park, Assiniboine Provincial Park, Height of the Rockies Provincial Park, and Banff National Park. What a life!!!
Tabatha Schneider-Glawe Certified Rafting Guide
Tabatha is a charming and free-spirited person who is very passionate about the water, the wilderness, and guiding. She is the trip leader for all our whitewater rafting excursions on the Kootenay River , with a lot of training and interesting credentials. She is a certified whitewater rafting guide, a swift-water rescue level 3 technician, and a certified PADI diving instructor. She has successfully led countless groups on not only safe Rocky Mountain whitewater rafting trips over the past 10 years, but also shark-feeding tours in Honduras; swimming with wild dolphin tours in New Zealand; and snorkelling with Humpback Whale tours in Tonga. She has also acted as assistant dive researcher for various renowned marine biologists at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre on Vancouver Island . Tabatha is a very caring and discerning person who enjoys coupling her guiding and water work with strong feelings about ecological conservation efforts, inter-cultural and community development, and environmental sustainability. She is also a tremendous artist in her own right, as a more-than-capable classical pianist. She has studied under the internationally recognized concert pianist, Robin Harrison, who after years of coaxing, finally convinced Tabatha in August 2007 to purchase a concert keyboard so we could have a piano out at the Wilderness Centre. Robin graciously performed our first CrossRiver concert in the Rockies out here, and Tabatha intends to keep the fire burning.
Tabatha Schneider-Glawe Certified Rafting Guide

Monday, February 6, 2012
More on EA Brueggemann's book
Many of the copies that we have come across are copies that libraries have removed from their collection.
Interestingly enough, the following libraries still have the book in their card catalog:
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Columbia SC
Wittenberg University, Springfield OH
Trininty Lutheran Seminary, Columbus OH
Capital University, Columbus OH
Ohio State University, Columbus OH
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus OH
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL
St Louis Public Library, St Louis MO
Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft Wayne IN
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Gettysburg PA
JKM Library, Chicago, IL
Concordia University, Ann Arbor MI
Newberry Library, Chicago, IL
University of Windsor, Windsor ON
Concordia University, River Forest IL
United Library, Evanston, IL
Carrolton Public Library, Carrolton MO
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque IA
New York Public Library, New York, NY
Luther Theological Seminary, St Paul MN
Bethel Seminary Library, St Paul MN
Harvard University Divinity School, Cambridge MA
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton MA
Concordia University College of Alberta, Edmonton AB
Concordia University, Irving CA
University of Nevada Reno, Reno NV
Concordia University, Portland OR
Can you believe how many copies are still in Libraries? I wonder why Carrolton Public Library has one.
Interestingly enough, the following libraries still have the book in their card catalog:
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Columbia SC
Wittenberg University, Springfield OH
Trininty Lutheran Seminary, Columbus OH
Capital University, Columbus OH
Ohio State University, Columbus OH
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus OH
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL
St Louis Public Library, St Louis MO
Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft Wayne IN
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Gettysburg PA
JKM Library, Chicago, IL
Concordia University, Ann Arbor MI
Newberry Library, Chicago, IL
University of Windsor, Windsor ON
Concordia University, River Forest IL
United Library, Evanston, IL
Carrolton Public Library, Carrolton MO
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque IA
New York Public Library, New York, NY
Luther Theological Seminary, St Paul MN
Bethel Seminary Library, St Paul MN
Harvard University Divinity School, Cambridge MA
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton MA
Concordia University College of Alberta, Edmonton AB
Concordia University, Irving CA
University of Nevada Reno, Reno NV
Concordia University, Portland OR
Can you believe how many copies are still in Libraries? I wonder why Carrolton Public Library has one.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Trip to Ohio
I just returned from a visit to Granville, OH. Mom, Judy and I were visiting Judy Ingram (Mom's sister). It was a great visit and I was able to scan documents and photos from my Mother's family. There were the normal things you'd expect but there were a couple of unusual items. It made me think that future generations would find some things we don't normally think of keeping.
I wonder why my Grandfather kept the hospital bill from 1948 when his father was hospitalized before his death. I thought it was interesting to see the costs. His room cost $11 a day. I wonder if future generations would think our hospital bills of today would be interesting.
Think about what would be interesting to save: Hospital Bills from the birth of a child? The settlement statement when a home is purchased? A copy of your resume? I think every day items are interesting. Mark recently received his Social Security Earnings statement. It was fun to see how much money at his first job when he was 15 years old.
I wonder why my Grandfather kept the hospital bill from 1948 when his father was hospitalized before his death. I thought it was interesting to see the costs. His room cost $11 a day. I wonder if future generations would think our hospital bills of today would be interesting.
Think about what would be interesting to save: Hospital Bills from the birth of a child? The settlement statement when a home is purchased? A copy of your resume? I think every day items are interesting. Mark recently received his Social Security Earnings statement. It was fun to see how much money at his first job when he was 15 years old.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Third Season "Who Do You Think You Are?"
On Friday, the Third Season of "Who Do You Think You Are?" premiers. If you like this blog, I'd recommend you watch. It is a great show. First up is Martin Sheen. Martin was born on August 3, 1940 in Dayton, Ohio to a Spanish father and an Irish mother.
Here is a summary from NBC's website.
Here is a summary from NBC's website.
NBC's acclaimed alternative series "Who Do You Think You Are?" follows some of today's most beloved and iconic celebrities as they embark on personal journeys of self-discovery to trace their family trees. From Ireland's freedom fighters to the American Revolutionary War, and from the African nation of Cameroon to Bulgaria, this season will reveal the fabric of humanity through everyone's place in history.
The celebrities featured in the third season are Martin Sheen, Marisa Tomei, Blair Underwood, Helen Hunt, Reba McEntire, Jerome Bettis, Rita Wilson, Edie Falco, Rob Lowe, Rashida Jones, Jason Sudeikis and Paula Deen.
During each episode, one of the celebrities is taken on a surprising and deeply emotional quest into his or her family history, resulting in a compelling reality format. Each week, viewers follow some of America's best-known celebrities into their ancestral pasts, as they uncover stories of heroism and tragedy, love and betrayal, secrets and intrigue that lie at the heart of their family history.
At the same time, "Who Do You Think You Are?" celebrates the twists and turns of a great nation and the people who made their way here in search of freedom and opportunity. As each celebrity discovers his or her unknown relatives - most of whom overcame hard times, the show will take viewers back through world history to expose how the lives of everyone's collective ancestors have shaped our world today.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Julia Louise Barlag Confusion
This is a good example of how confusing all this can be. Julia would be the Granddaughter of CLV Brueggemann. Her records are really hard to understand. I looked at Gary Brueggeman's site and am still confused. I am not sure when her children were born and who their father(s) were.
Here is my record from Ancestry. I don't expect anyone to actually have the answers, just want to show you how confusing it all it.
What we do know, she married late (age 27) but I think there be another husband as we show one of her daughters born before that marriage. She was divorced from this husband in 1919 and married soon thereafter (when she was 35) to Otto Birth. She is buried in the Lutheran Cemetery and she died from an Abscessed Appendix at age 60. This is the case where we need one of her descendants to set us straight.
Here is my record from Ancestry. I don't expect anyone to actually have the answers, just want to show you how confusing it all it.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Clara Long
Thanks to Ann Jackson Hilliard for this picture of her mother, Clara Long. Clara was the youngest daughter of Fred Long and granddaughter of Charles Long. Not sure which one she is. Clara would be the first cousin of Emma & Ernst August Brueggeman's children.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Another Prayer Request...
I am late in posting this from Rev. Fred Reinhardt (son of David Reinhardt):
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that I was mugged last night, Dec. 27th, at 8:30 p.m. while walking home from downtown with a backpack and a bag of groceries! As you know, it is the week between Christmas Day and New Year's Day, and all the university students who are normally also walking around my area at that time are not here! So, it was too calm - and dangerous - as I learned the hard way, for me to have been walking home, even at that normally very safe hour!
Four men walked up behind me, surprising me. Two or three of them held me, one tried to get my wallet out of my back pocket, another holding a "coupe-coupe" (machete) hit me on the left side of the head. The cut actually turned out not to be too deep, but it was bleeding as if it were! (head wound - go figure!)
I was saved by an approaching man who had just gotten off work from a nearby hotel or "club" (?), next to the St. Paul Catholic University Chapel (I didn't even know that such a club was THERE!). He immediately saw what was going on, and said something to them which scared them away. God was with me in the person of this "Good Samaritan!"
My Good Samaritan took me to the hotel to await a taxi and to get paper towel compresses for my wound, and some "first aid" - some alcohol on cotton to clean the wound. I was taken to the 24-hr Nairobi Outpatient Center right downtown, and they gave me good care, cleaning and dressing the wound and suturing it up (after having to shave the area!). They prescribed and sold to me some antibiotics and something for pain relief, when the local anesthetic would wear off.
I got a good night's sleep last night, so am out and about with my "funny white hat" today!
Your prayers for continued safety and security, and for quick healing are much appreciated! Thanks.
Area Facilitator for French-speaking Central and East Africa
Nairobi, Kenya
Friday, January 27, 2012
A Prayer Request...
Due to my hiatus, I am late in posting this request from Rev. David Glawe (grandson of Louise Brueggeman Krausman)
Sherry-Lynn was in a Car accident on June 1, 2011. She was rear ended. Since that time many things have not gone right and there is a lot of pain. We just got back from the doctor again and Sherry-Lynn has just been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. It is small, only 4 mm, but it is in the interior of the brain. There are new ways to treat them now other than cutting open the skull if she is a candidate for that type of surgery. We hope to see a neurologist in January. However, We need your prayers and will appreciate them.
Sherry-Lynn was in a Car accident on June 1, 2011. She was rear ended. Since that time many things have not gone right and there is a lot of pain. We just got back from the doctor again and Sherry-Lynn has just been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. It is small, only 4 mm, but it is in the interior of the brain. There are new ways to treat them now other than cutting open the skull if she is a candidate for that type of surgery. We hope to see a neurologist in January. However, We need your prayers and will appreciate them.
Monday, January 23, 2012
I told you I was back, but,,,
I had all intentions of not missing a post but I caught a terrible cold and I cannot put two sentences together. Stay tuned...
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Trinity Lutheran Cleveland Ohio
These are pictures of Trinity Lutheran from the early 1930s. This was the church that C.L.V. Brueggemann and his family attended. I spent a long time tonight trying to find an early map to place the church in relation to where they lived. The church is at the corner of 30th and Lorain.
I realized after searching early maps that many streets were renamed in 1906. Many people believe that the streets were renamed in response to anti-German sentiment around the time of the first World War but it was unrelated. I wasn't able to find the original street name but I will look at Census records to see if I can match it up.
The West Side was originally called Ohio City and was annexed to Cleveland in the 1850s.
From Trinity's Website: Trinity was founded in 1853, on it's present site, in a small wood structure that was subsequently moved to, and still exists at, West 32 and Chatham. The congregation exploded in size and the current bldg. was erected in 1873 to serve 1,500 West Side parishioners. The building has been called "One of the finest examples of a Victorian Gothic Meeting House in this part of the Country". During the fifties, when most congregations were relocating to the suburbs, the congregation made the commitment to stay in the neighborhood. The size of the congregation steadily declined until the early 1990's. In 1994, the average worship attendance was in the low 80's. Due to innovative programming and a new contemporary service, in additional to the traditional service, the attendance has increased 100% to an average worship attendance in the 150's, and continuing to grow.
Trinity also has a special organ according to this from The Plain Dealer:
I realized after searching early maps that many streets were renamed in 1906. Many people believe that the streets were renamed in response to anti-German sentiment around the time of the first World War but it was unrelated. I wasn't able to find the original street name but I will look at Census records to see if I can match it up.
The West Side was originally called Ohio City and was annexed to Cleveland in the 1850s.
From Trinity's Website: Trinity was founded in 1853, on it's present site, in a small wood structure that was subsequently moved to, and still exists at, West 32 and Chatham. The congregation exploded in size and the current bldg. was erected in 1873 to serve 1,500 West Side parishioners. The building has been called "One of the finest examples of a Victorian Gothic Meeting House in this part of the Country". During the fifties, when most congregations were relocating to the suburbs, the congregation made the commitment to stay in the neighborhood. The size of the congregation steadily declined until the early 1990's. In 1994, the average worship attendance was in the low 80's. Due to innovative programming and a new contemporary service, in additional to the traditional service, the attendance has increased 100% to an average worship attendance in the 150's, and continuing to grow.
Trinity also has a special organ according to this from The Plain Dealer:
An anonymous donor who loves Baroque organ music has pumped $100,000 into a fund supporting the restoration of the Beckerath organ at Trinity Lutheran Church on Cleveland's West Side.
Until recently, the Beckerath Organ Restoration Fund stood at $142,000, about half the amount needed to refurbish the 1956 instrument. The $100,000 donation will enable the project to be completed this year, said organist Florence Mustric, who chairs Friends of the Beckerath.
Mustric said 92 percent of the $142,000 came "not in major gifts, but in small and modest donations over three years, ranging from a great many $1 bills to a few $1,000 checks." The donors have comprised music lovers from across Northeast Ohio and the country, including members of the Organ Historical Society.
The church's admired organ was built by Rudolph von Beckerath of Hamburg, Germany. It is being restored by Leonard Berghaus, founder of Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders in Bellwood, Ill., who was inspired to become an organ builder by Trinity's Beckerath.
The instrument has been undergoing restoration in stages, as funding has allowed, since 2007. After a concert Sunday, Jan. 16 by organist David Tidyman, who'll present a program titled "Bach as Visionary and Mystic," pipes and several divisions of the Beckerath will go to Berghaus for restoration.
Mustric said this stage should be completed by April, after which the final stage, including renewal of the console, will follow.
The anonymous donor has been a fan of the Beckerath for two decades, said Mustric.
"When we first met, I expressed surprise that he knew nothing about it," she said. "I said, 'I have the keys to the candy store' and invited him to come hear it and play it. His first words on hearing it were, 'This is not the candy store.' Stunned, I said, 'No?' He said, 'This is no candy store - this is Fort Knox!' "
Mustric said the $100,000 donation will make it possible for her and Trinity organist and director of music Robert Myers to pursue foundation support for the restoration.
"Bob is speechless," said Mustric of the $100,000 donation. "I'm stunned, but, as you see, I am not speechless, which is a good thing."
Mustric and Myers alternate as soloists in free recitals on Wednesday afternoons in Trinity's Music Near the Market series. The church is at 2031 West 30th St., Cleveland
Friday, January 20, 2012
You won't believe what I found" VIDEO on Elmer Wischmeier
I was googling around some more and found some 16mm film uploaded to YouTube by Elmer's Grandson, John:
Don't you wish we all had such treasures!
Don't you wish we all had such treasures!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Elmer Wischmeier
I was following a trail on Louise Brueggeman. She was Clamor's daughter. She married a Bennoff. They had a daughter, Emma. She married Wilhelm (William) Wischmeier. The article below has a lot of information about this branch of the family. It was published in 1924. Elmer lived to be 100 and died in 1994.
WILLIAM WISCHMEIER. The late William Wiscbmeier was one of the well known citizens and successful business men of Cleveland, and by his death the South Side of the city lost a leader in all community affairs, one who was always ready to give freely of his time and means to all movements having for their object the welfare of the community.
Mr. Wiscbmeier was born in Cleveland (then Brooklyn Village) on June 16, 1866, the son of Frederick Wischnieier, a native of Germany, who was one of the early merchant tailors of the South Side. He attended the Lutheran parochial schools, and while yet a boy began an apprenticeship to learn the upholstering business, working for his brother-in-law, Edward Blawse. After he had mastered that business he formed a partnership with John Linderman, another brother-in-law, and the firm of Wischmeier & Linderman established a furniture store and upholstering and undertaking business. Mr. Wischmeier bought his partner's interest in the business March 5, 1895, and continued it under his own name until 1920, in which year he admitted his son, Elmer, as a partner, the firm then becoming William Wischmeier & Son, as it continues at the present time, with a business ranking among the leading and successful furniture, upholstering and undertaking houses of the city.
Mr. Wischmeier had other important interests. A number of years ago he became a member of the board of directors of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Company, and when that institution was absorbed by the Pearl Street Savings and Banking Company he continued as a director in that bank. He was also president of the Hal-Fur Motor Truck Company.
Civic and church affairs lay close to Mr. Wischmeier's heart, and he gave much of his time to them, always willingly and always cheerfully. He was treasurer of Lutheran Hospital, treasurer of Lutheran Cemetery Association and a member of the board of trustees of Emanuel Lutheran Church, and treasurer of the church for fifteen years.
His splendid traits of character, his personality and the upright life he led won the respect of all who came in contact with Mr. Wischmeier, while his circle of warm friends was very large, all of whom mourned his death as a personal loss.
Mr. Wischmeier was united in marriage with Emma Bennhoff, who was horn in Cleveland, the daughter of the late William Bennhoff, pioneer blacksmith and wagonmaker of the West Side. To their marriage a daughter and son were born: Clara L., who married Julius Gerlach, and has a son, Julius, Jr., born July 16, 1920; and Elmer Wischmeier.
Julius Gerlach was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, April 2, 1889, son of the late Alfred F. Gerlach, who for twenty years was a teacher in Saint Matthews Lutheran Parochial School of Cleveland, who died in 1918, his widow surviving. Julius Gerlach came to Cleveland with his parents, attended Saint Matthews Parochial School, graduated from Western Reserve University School of Pharmacy in 1911, and is now a member of the drug company of Flandemeyer & Gerlach, corner of Trowbridge and West Twenty fifth streets, Cleveland.
William Wischmeier passed away on January 30, 1922, his wife having preceded him to the grave on November 15, 1919.
Elmer Wischmeier was born on May 27, 1893. He was educated in the Lutheran parochial schools and at business college. On leaving school he entered his father's store, and soon developed into a good business man. He took the prescribed course in embalming and received his certificate from the state, and from that time on he was active in all the departments of the business, to which he succeeded at the death of his father, and which he is carrying on along the lines taught .him by his father, under the old firm name, and continuing the success begun by its founder.
The World war interrupted his business career for a time while he was in the service of his country in France. On May 25, 1918, he entered the United States Army, and was sent to Camp Gordon, Georgia, and was assigned to the Infantry Replacement Troops. Thence he was ordered to Camp Mills, and on july 10, 1918, he sailed for overseas duty with the Sixteenth Replacement Regiment. The regiment landed in England, and thence went to France, in which country Elmer was on duty until the signing of the armistice, after which he returned to the United States and was mustered out of the service and given his honorable discharge on May 14, 1919, at Camp Sherman. Leaving the service, he at once returned home and resumed his place in the store.
He is a member of Elsworth Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Olive Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Forest City Commandery, Knights Templar; Lake Erie Consistory, Scottish Rite, thirty second degree; Al Koran Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Al Sirat Grotto and Cleveland Forest of Tall Cedars. He is a member of the advisory hoard of the Pearl Street Savings and Trust Company, a director in the Lincoln Savings and Loan Company, and a director in the Hal-Fur Motor Truck Company.
Mr. Wiscbmeier was born in Cleveland (then Brooklyn Village) on June 16, 1866, the son of Frederick Wischnieier, a native of Germany, who was one of the early merchant tailors of the South Side. He attended the Lutheran parochial schools, and while yet a boy began an apprenticeship to learn the upholstering business, working for his brother-in-law, Edward Blawse. After he had mastered that business he formed a partnership with John Linderman, another brother-in-law, and the firm of Wischmeier & Linderman established a furniture store and upholstering and undertaking business. Mr. Wischmeier bought his partner's interest in the business March 5, 1895, and continued it under his own name until 1920, in which year he admitted his son, Elmer, as a partner, the firm then becoming William Wischmeier & Son, as it continues at the present time, with a business ranking among the leading and successful furniture, upholstering and undertaking houses of the city.
Mr. Wischmeier had other important interests. A number of years ago he became a member of the board of directors of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Company, and when that institution was absorbed by the Pearl Street Savings and Banking Company he continued as a director in that bank. He was also president of the Hal-Fur Motor Truck Company.
Civic and church affairs lay close to Mr. Wischmeier's heart, and he gave much of his time to them, always willingly and always cheerfully. He was treasurer of Lutheran Hospital, treasurer of Lutheran Cemetery Association and a member of the board of trustees of Emanuel Lutheran Church, and treasurer of the church for fifteen years.
His splendid traits of character, his personality and the upright life he led won the respect of all who came in contact with Mr. Wischmeier, while his circle of warm friends was very large, all of whom mourned his death as a personal loss.
Mr. Wischmeier was united in marriage with Emma Bennhoff, who was horn in Cleveland, the daughter of the late William Bennhoff, pioneer blacksmith and wagonmaker of the West Side. To their marriage a daughter and son were born: Clara L., who married Julius Gerlach, and has a son, Julius, Jr., born July 16, 1920; and Elmer Wischmeier.
Julius Gerlach was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, April 2, 1889, son of the late Alfred F. Gerlach, who for twenty years was a teacher in Saint Matthews Lutheran Parochial School of Cleveland, who died in 1918, his widow surviving. Julius Gerlach came to Cleveland with his parents, attended Saint Matthews Parochial School, graduated from Western Reserve University School of Pharmacy in 1911, and is now a member of the drug company of Flandemeyer & Gerlach, corner of Trowbridge and West Twenty fifth streets, Cleveland.
William Wischmeier passed away on January 30, 1922, his wife having preceded him to the grave on November 15, 1919.
Elmer Wischmeier was born on May 27, 1893. He was educated in the Lutheran parochial schools and at business college. On leaving school he entered his father's store, and soon developed into a good business man. He took the prescribed course in embalming and received his certificate from the state, and from that time on he was active in all the departments of the business, to which he succeeded at the death of his father, and which he is carrying on along the lines taught .him by his father, under the old firm name, and continuing the success begun by its founder.
The World war interrupted his business career for a time while he was in the service of his country in France. On May 25, 1918, he entered the United States Army, and was sent to Camp Gordon, Georgia, and was assigned to the Infantry Replacement Troops. Thence he was ordered to Camp Mills, and on july 10, 1918, he sailed for overseas duty with the Sixteenth Replacement Regiment. The regiment landed in England, and thence went to France, in which country Elmer was on duty until the signing of the armistice, after which he returned to the United States and was mustered out of the service and given his honorable discharge on May 14, 1919, at Camp Sherman. Leaving the service, he at once returned home and resumed his place in the store.
He is a member of Elsworth Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Olive Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Forest City Commandery, Knights Templar; Lake Erie Consistory, Scottish Rite, thirty second degree; Al Koran Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Al Sirat Grotto and Cleveland Forest of Tall Cedars. He is a member of the advisory hoard of the Pearl Street Savings and Trust Company, a director in the Lincoln Savings and Loan Company, and a director in the Hal-Fur Motor Truck Company.
A History of Cuyahoga County
and the City of Cleveland
By: William R. Coates
The American Historical Society
Chicago and New York, 1924
A History of Cuyahoga County
and the City of Cleveland
By: William R. Coates
The American Historical Society
Chicago and New York, 1924
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It has been a long time since I posted. So sorry for the delay. Max was home until late last week and he's a huge distraction. Plus, spending a ton of time on DIYGreek.
I promise I'll get back in the habit of posting.
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