David Reinhardt told me that Anna Louise was living with a Professor in Springfield, IL when she met her husband, August Huesemann. They were married in 1878, long before her brothers attended seminary in Springfield. She was 18 years old when they married. I wonder if Clamor sent her to Springfield to find a Lutheran Pastor for a husband but she found a printer instead. I still wonder why August was in Springfield.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Riley Boys

This picture of the Riley boys was taken just before Norm left for the service. Ray, Dave and Ron will be traveling to San Jose next week to join with Norm's family and friends for a Memorial Dinner in honor of Norm. They are looking forward to sharing their memories with Norm's children and grandchildren.
There is a funny story about this picture. Ray stuck the bow tie on as the picture was taken. No one knew he had done it until the picture came back from the photographer.
Friday, July 29, 2011
John Hueseman: Great-Grandson of Anna Louise Brueggemann
John Hueseman is the grandson of Anna Louise Brueggemann and August Huesemann. He has been in contact with me but we haven't got to the point that we have exchanged a lot of details yet. I just happened to google Hueseman tonight looking for pictures to post and I found the article below. August Huesemann was from St. Louis and I wonder how he found his bride in Cleveland. Much of the family is still in Missouri as is John. Congratulations to John on his new position.
(ST. LOUIS, June 17, 2011) – John A. Hueseman and Larry D. Richardson, two long-time St. Louis area financial
consultants, joined the Clayton branch office of Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. as vice presidents – investments,
company officials announced today.
Previously, both worked at St. Louis area offices of Wells Fargo Advisors, Hueseman coming from that firm’s Town
and Country location, and Richardson moving from its Frontenac branch.
“We’re thrilled to have both of these high-quality individuals on board with us,” said Blake Dunlop, senior vice
president, Clayton branch manager, and regional manager. “They are dedicated and experienced professionals who
share our commitment to client-first service.”
Hueseman began his financial services career in 1994 after serving in the U.S. Navy and working as a corporate
executive. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1978, he left the service in 1983 to join McDonnellDouglas Corporation, and later moved to work for two firms in the advanced composite materials industry.
He is also an honors graduate from Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville with a master’s degree in business
(ST. LOUIS, June 17, 2011) – John A. Hueseman and Larry D. Richardson, two long-time St. Louis area financial
consultants, joined the Clayton branch office of Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. as vice presidents – investments,
company officials announced today.
Previously, both worked at St. Louis area offices of Wells Fargo Advisors, Hueseman coming from that firm’s Town
and Country location, and Richardson moving from its Frontenac branch.
“We’re thrilled to have both of these high-quality individuals on board with us,” said Blake Dunlop, senior vice
president, Clayton branch manager, and regional manager. “They are dedicated and experienced professionals who
share our commitment to client-first service.”
Hueseman began his financial services career in 1994 after serving in the U.S. Navy and working as a corporate
executive. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1978, he left the service in 1983 to join McDonnellDouglas Corporation, and later moved to work for two firms in the advanced composite materials industry.
He is also an honors graduate from Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville with a master’s degree in business
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Happy Birthday to Jill Riley Hetterscheidt
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Recipe from yesterday's book
Here is a recipe from the Westside Sewing Circle's Tested and Tried book. This one is from Mrs. Louis Henry Brueggemann (daughter-in-law of Clamor). I have typed it just as it appeared in the book. Recipes were formatted differently:
Kidney Bean Salad:
Drain the liquid from one can of kidney beans, then add 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts. celery, and sweet cucumber pickles cut in small pieces, then add a mayonaise or French dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves.
I think I'd having a hard time making this. No idea how much celery, how much pickles, or how much mayo? Looks like something is missing between "a" and "mayonaise" (her spelling). Kind of fun to imagine this being served to the "Old Man" (Clamor).
Kidney Bean Salad:
Drain the liquid from one can of kidney beans, then add 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts. celery, and sweet cucumber pickles cut in small pieces, then add a mayonaise or French dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves.
I think I'd having a hard time making this. No idea how much celery, how much pickles, or how much mayo? Looks like something is missing between "a" and "mayonaise" (her spelling). Kind of fun to imagine this being served to the "Old Man" (Clamor).
Here is a picture of what the finished dish may have looked like. I found a very similar recipe on a blog that was taken from a vintage cookbook (minus walnuts plus scallions)
Monday, July 25, 2011
The West Side Sewing Circle of The Lutheran Hospital
I am not sure how David Reinhardt got this booklet but it is full of recipes submitted by some familiar names: Brueggemann, Bennhoff, Fortlage
I figure it was used for a fund raiser for their activities at the hospital. I found the following article about the Hospital and the Sewing Circle from the Cleveland Press:
Eighty-six Cleveland German women, comprising the West Side Frauenverein, with $233 in their treasury, started the Altenheim, German old folks' home at 7719 Detroit Ave. in 1887.
They held their first meeting for this purpose on Aug. 9 1886, in the Socialer Turnverein. Leaders of the idea included Mrs. Louise Zuelling, Mrs. Jacob Mueller, Mrs. Louise Schlather, Mrs. Karl Schmidt, Mrs. E. Ackerman and Mrs. Charles Ranch.
Bazaar followed bazaar and countless activities were pursued by these women to raise money. They succeeded in interesting a group of German businessmen to give larger donations and on treasury showed $8,051.
These original benefactors included Louis Schlather, J. C. Weideman, Hans Tiedeman, C. G. Gehring, Isaac Leisy, G. V. Muth, Charles Ranch, John Meckes, Mrs. C. Stolz, Mrs. J. Baehr.
With $8,000 in the bank the brave women bought a large plot at the present address for $11,000 and proceeded to raise more funds.
The Walworth Run Bridge Club, the East Side Frauenverein, Mrs. Shlegel, the German Day Committee and the Plattdeuscher Volkfest Committee were among new donors.
With $12,125 in the bank and with Hans Tiedeman as chairman of the building committee, the erection of the home was started and the cornerstone was placed on Sept. 4, 1891. Jacob Krausz helped collect more money among German businessmen and when the Altenhelm.was formally dedicated on Sept. 18, 1892, the cost, $22,142, was all paid.
Hospital Legacy
The idea of founding the Lutheran Hospital grew from a legacy of $4,000 left in 1895 by Mrs. Katherina L. Schierbaum, a Cleveland German woman, to the Lutheran Church for needed but undesignated services for the poor and the sick.
Consequently nine Cleveland Lutheran churches, nearly all German, formed the Evangelical Lutheran Hospital Assn. and on May 26, 1896, the Lutheran Hospital received its state charter.
First officers of the hospital at the time of its founding were the Rev. J. J. Walker, president; F. M. Leuther (father of Winfred, the former president of Western Reserve University), secretary; William Wishmeyer, treasurer; H. F. Luekens and Louis Morton, trustees.
In September, 1896, a frame house was brought at the apex of W. 2Sth and West 29th. St. on Franklin Circle and the building was equipped, rather simply, for hospital purposes.
Opened in 1896
Mrs. Clara Mueller served as matron, cook and nurse. The modest hospital opened in October, 1896, with George Zehnder as the first patient. By the end of the year the hospital had cared for 23 patients.
Of the many groups that have been faithful supporters of Lutheran Hospital from its very inception is the West Side Sewing Circle, organized on May 4, 1897. Included among the organizers were Mrs. Louise Henke, Mrs. John Grieve, Mrs. Henry Moyer, Mrs. August F. Leopold, Mrs. Lena Lange, and Mrs. A. C. Lampe.
In 1898 the Mark Hanna home at 2603 Franklin Blvd. was acquired and occupied by Lutheran Hospital and in the same year the nurses' school was established.
Acquire More Land
In 1912 the Wormington property, immediately east of the old Hanna home, was purchased for a nurses' home. The hospital grew so rapidly that the Hanna and the Wormington homes were razed to make way for a new hospital building, dedicated July 9, 1922.
Eventually additional property was acquired around the building, a new wing was erected, parking lots were made, and a new nurses' home was built. The latest addition and modernization was done last year.
Present superintendent of Lutheran Hospital is Lee S. Lanpher.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Anne Brueggemann, wife of Fred Brueggemann
I wrote about Fred Brueggemann (here) and the hardware business. David Reinhardt sent me his wife's obituary. She appears to have taken over the business after her husband's death.
Jan 21, 1912 The Plain Dealer Woman Merchant Dead
Proprietress of Lorain-av Hardware Business Dies
Mrs. Ann Brueggemann, proprietress of a hardware store at 3047 Lorain-av, died yesterday at her home at 3049 Lorain-av at the age of 55. Mrs. Brueggemann was born in Cleveland. Three years ago her husband died and she assumed the management of the hareware store. She leaves four children, all in Cleveland. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 from the Trinity Lutheran church on W. 30th st.
I wonder what happened to the store???
Jan 21, 1912 The Plain Dealer Woman Merchant Dead
Proprietress of Lorain-av Hardware Business Dies
Mrs. Ann Brueggemann, proprietress of a hardware store at 3047 Lorain-av, died yesterday at her home at 3049 Lorain-av at the age of 55. Mrs. Brueggemann was born in Cleveland. Three years ago her husband died and she assumed the management of the hareware store. She leaves four children, all in Cleveland. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 from the Trinity Lutheran church on W. 30th st.
I wonder what happened to the store???
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Peter Maybury
I posted in here about Peter and Sarah Maybury (grandparents of Lizzie). As I mentioned that he died just four years after their marriage. I received his death certificate and he indeed was 64 years old and died on December 14, 1839.
Remember, you can click on the picture to make it larger. He was a pastry cook and seems to have died of old age, as cause of death is listed as Decay of Nature. Sarah (his wife) reported his death but she must not have been able to write as the registrar wrote: Sarah Maybury's Mark X, present at the death.
Remember, you can click on the picture to make it larger. He was a pastry cook and seems to have died of old age, as cause of death is listed as Decay of Nature. Sarah (his wife) reported his death but she must not have been able to write as the registrar wrote: Sarah Maybury's Mark X, present at the death.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Family Picture Friday: Brueggemann Clan in the Machine
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Modern Take on Headstones
Judy and I are going to be using QR codes in our new business. The technology is amazing. Have you seen the funny little square things in ads? There is an interesting genealogical application. They are beginning to show up on headstones. You scan it with your smart phone or ipad and some information shows up about the person. Here is a link to a video and an article about the application.
May 30, 2011 from KPLU
The process of burying the dead hasn't changed much over the centuries, but now their gravestones can provide a digital link to their life stories.
A Seattle-based company is creating burial markers that include a scannable, stamp-like image called a "quick read" — or QR code.
The codes can be placed on tombstones so visitors can learn more about the dearly departed, leave messages for their loved ones, and record stories for others who may visit. And all you need is a smartphone and a free app to make it work.
Death and the human desire for remembrance are the constants that have kept Quiring Monuments — run by Dave Quiring — going for three generations. Quiring is part grief counselor, part artisan, part editor.
"My job is to help people tell a story in stone, generally," he says.

Courtesy of Quiring Monuments
The QR code affixed to David Quiring Sr.'s tombstone.
Quiring inherited his role 43 years ago, when his father died. Since then, he's added bronze, glass, even stainless steel and color photographs to the materials the company uses to make modern headstones. And now he's going digital: by offering black-and-white QR codes for gravestones.
You may have seen QR codes in magazine ads. They're a little larger than a postage stamp and look a bit like a combination of a bar code and a Rorschach blot. You scan them with a free smartphone app and they bring up a website. Quiring pulls one from his shirt pocket.
A few seconds later, my smartphone begins beeping, and soon it has pulled up a sepia picture of a man in a double-breasted suit looking out at us.
"There's my dad," Quiring says. "Look at him — quite the dapper guy back in 1930."
Quiring beams at the sight of this picture and the slideshow that follows. There's the obituary that was in the newspaper after his dad died and a scan of part of a Robert Frost poem that his wife found in his wallet. It became David Quiring Sr.'s epitaph.
More Than Just Monuments
We head to the veterans cemetery less than a mile up the road from the shop to visit the Quiring family's plot.

EnlargeCourtesy of Quiring Monuments
A portrait of David Quiring Sr. This is the first image that appears when you scan the QR code at his grave. See his QR website.
From the car, Quiring — who himself served during Vietnam — looks past some blooming cherry trees. Rows and rows of uniform white monuments cover the hillside. His shop has a federal contract to make them. He'd love to see his QR code stickers added to each one.
"And then you could make a tour through there and it would be more than just a bunch of white monuments," he says. "It would be distinct lives of people who really deserve to have their story told."
It's an idea that's catching on — and not just with QR codes. A company in Phoenix has started selling tombstones with RFID tags for digital storytelling. That's a technology used for tracking things like library books and clothing in retail sales.
Also visiting this cemetery is 80-year-old Harry Coles. He's an army veteran, making stops at his brother's and mother's graves. He doesn't own a cell phone, much less a smart one. But he likes the demonstration of how the QR codes work at the Quiring family's graves.
From Quiring Moments, an ad on how QR codes work.
Source: YouTube
"I'll be darned," he says. "Now that's something new!"
Coles says he's old-fashioned, so he wouldn't want anyone to buy one for him. But he thinks having one could mean a lot.
"For some people it brings back happy memories, and probably some bad memories, sorrowful memories," he says. "But, mostly, I would think, it's out of love. That's the basis for the whole thing."
And it's the vision for Quiring Monuments: using technology to help future generations connect with their past.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Anniversary of Edwin L. Brueggemann's death
Edwin died on July 19, 1965. I don't have the obituary from the Akron Beacon Journal but I do have the obituary from the Zanesville Times. I cannot find his burial information on Findagrave.com
Monday, July 18, 2011
Happy Birthday Uncle David
Today is my Uncle David Riley's 84th Birthday. He is the second child of Sidney Riley and Selma Brueggeman. He picked up using a computer for the first time in December. He visits my blog and has learned to play scrabble on-line. He also has an email address, send him an email!
rev.david.riley at gmail dot com.
rev.david.riley at gmail dot com.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Questions on Elizabeth Ann Maybury's Birth
I realized recently that I don't have Lizzie's birthday recorded any where. I have birth year's reported by census takers but they are all over the place:
1930 1865
1920 1866
1910 1863
1901 1861
1881 1859
1871 1859
1861 1859
Dad remembers there being a question of whether she was older than Tom. I do have his birth certificate and he was born in November of 1858. So it is clear that she was not older than he was. I imagine the 1859 date is a good one. The census usually only lists an age so the date of birth is calculated from that. Depending when the census was taken, it may have been before or after their birthday.
I cannot find in the indexes her birth record. I did find her older sisters record during the second quarter of 1856, registered in Wolverhampton. In the 1861 census, the family was living in Wolverhampton. I did find an Elizabeth Maybury who was born in the 4th quarter of 1860 but she was born in West Bromwich. This wouldn't work out for her to be the age of 2 in 1861. Mary Jane Riley Lacke hired a professional genealogist in England in 1990 (in the days before the internet resources). She wrote Mary Jane to say:
"I wrote first of all to the Registrar that covers the Willenhall district requesting a birth certificate of Elizabeth Anne Maybury. She rang me to say that she could find no such birth in spite of checking from 1860-1865. In addition to checking her own area she had rung the Registrars of the adjacent areas of West Bromwich and Walsall and they could find no record either....It is always possible that the birth was never registered as it was not illegal to not register a birth until 1875."
Since her older sister's birth was registered, I would imagine that Lizzie's birth would have been too. Does anybody have her birthday (Month and Day)?
1930 1865
1920 1866
1910 1863
1901 1861
1881 1859
1871 1859
1861 1859
Dad remembers there being a question of whether she was older than Tom. I do have his birth certificate and he was born in November of 1858. So it is clear that she was not older than he was. I imagine the 1859 date is a good one. The census usually only lists an age so the date of birth is calculated from that. Depending when the census was taken, it may have been before or after their birthday.
I cannot find in the indexes her birth record. I did find her older sisters record during the second quarter of 1856, registered in Wolverhampton. In the 1861 census, the family was living in Wolverhampton. I did find an Elizabeth Maybury who was born in the 4th quarter of 1860 but she was born in West Bromwich. This wouldn't work out for her to be the age of 2 in 1861. Mary Jane Riley Lacke hired a professional genealogist in England in 1990 (in the days before the internet resources). She wrote Mary Jane to say:
"I wrote first of all to the Registrar that covers the Willenhall district requesting a birth certificate of Elizabeth Anne Maybury. She rang me to say that she could find no such birth in spite of checking from 1860-1865. In addition to checking her own area she had rung the Registrars of the adjacent areas of West Bromwich and Walsall and they could find no record either....It is always possible that the birth was never registered as it was not illegal to not register a birth until 1875."
Since her older sister's birth was registered, I would imagine that Lizzie's birth would have been too. Does anybody have her birthday (Month and Day)?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A post from my other side..
As you know, I focus this blog on the Riley and Brueggeman families. I am still working "behind the scenes" on my mother's family. I found this yesterday and just had to share it for the genealogy buffs who read my blog. The people mentioned in the newspaper article would be my mother's great grandparents. They lived in Weston, WV and this took place in 1907:
Obit: Weston: William L Cutright despondent over the death of his wife which occurred early this morning and the serious illness of his son, who has typhoid fever, killed himself tonight. Mrs Cutright and her son, James were both ill of Typhoid. she dies this morning and James is very low. Grieving Cutright took a revolver from the dresser , kissed his wife's dead body and went about 7 o'clock this evening to a vacant store room near his home, where he shot himself through the head. His body was found there a little later. He and his wife will be buried together. Cutright was about 40 years old, and was an employee of the Cresant Window Glass Company.
It is also a good lesson for genealogist, you cannot take a single record for documentation. William was actually 49 in 1907, not "about 40". James also died the same day. Mom's grandmother was six months pregnant at the time with her dad. Can you imagine the family's grief over such a loss?
Obit: Weston: William L Cutright despondent over the death of his wife which occurred early this morning and the serious illness of his son, who has typhoid fever, killed himself tonight. Mrs Cutright and her son, James were both ill of Typhoid. she dies this morning and James is very low. Grieving Cutright took a revolver from the dresser , kissed his wife's dead body and went about 7 o'clock this evening to a vacant store room near his home, where he shot himself through the head. His body was found there a little later. He and his wife will be buried together. Cutright was about 40 years old, and was an employee of the Cresant Window Glass Company.
It is also a good lesson for genealogist, you cannot take a single record for documentation. William was actually 49 in 1907, not "about 40". James also died the same day. Mom's grandmother was six months pregnant at the time with her dad. Can you imagine the family's grief over such a loss?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Charles Long, Merchant
Charles Long (Emma Long Brueggeman's father) was a merchant in Springfield. The building where his store was is still standing and has been occupied for many years by a jewelry store.
Charles' business had a variety of products. Sometimes, it was featured as a bakery and seed store. We are lucky that many of the Springfield City Directories have been scanned and indexed.
Charles' business had a variety of products. Sometimes, it was featured as a bakery and seed store. We are lucky that many of the Springfield City Directories have been scanned and indexed.
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1871-1872 City Directory lists him as GROCER |
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The 1887 Directory lists him as a baker, confectioner, bulk seed and a fancy grocer. |
Monday, July 11, 2011
Anniversary of Lydia Brueggeman's Death
Lydia Martha Brueggeman died on this day in 1994. She was the longest living of the Brueggeman children. She was 93 years old. She was the first one born in the 20th Century.
She was buried at Rose Hill Burial Park. Findagrave.com does not list her as interned there but often their records are incomplete.
She was buried at Rose Hill Burial Park. Findagrave.com does not list her as interned there but often their records are incomplete.
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Lydia and Selma |
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Today is the Brueggeman Family Reunion
I thought I'd share a picture from a Reunion past in honor of the 88th Annual Brueggeman reunion.
I hope fellowship was enjoyed by all in attendance.
I hope fellowship was enjoyed by all in attendance.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Thomas Percy Riley: Missed a date
For most of May and June, I have been away from home and my records. I missed the anniversary of Thomas Percy Riley's death on June 14, 1958. He was the eldest son of Tom and Lizzie Riley. He was a third generation Riley in the Steel business. He died in Johnston, PA. Here are a couple of obituaries that tell his story.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Family Picture Friday: On the way to Alaska in a hearse!
I thought I'd post this picture as a teaser. Ray ended up joining Dave on this adventure. It is a great story and I'll let this picture serve as the beginning of the story.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
A Couple of Original Records to Share
David Reinhardt continues to generously share records with me so I can share them with you. I received this death certificate from him Death Certificates provide information that is sometimes unknown without them, particularly cause of death and place of burial.
This is Friederich Brueggemann's death certificate. He was one of Clamor's sons. He died from a Cerebral Hemorrhage (stroke). It states that he was under a doctor's care for two hours and was buried three days after his death in the Lutheran Cemetery in Cleveland.
The format varies by jurisdiction but this one lists his occupation, his parent's name and their place of birth. Death records like this are great if someone was born before records were required to be kept. Often, information on a birth record can be found on a death record.
This is Friederich Brueggemann's death certificate. He was one of Clamor's sons. He died from a Cerebral Hemorrhage (stroke). It states that he was under a doctor's care for two hours and was buried three days after his death in the Lutheran Cemetery in Cleveland.
The format varies by jurisdiction but this one lists his occupation, his parent's name and their place of birth. Death records like this are great if someone was born before records were required to be kept. Often, information on a birth record can be found on a death record.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Today is the 112th Anniversary of Selma Brueggeman's Birth
Selma was 6th child of Ernst August and Emma Brueggeman, She was born between Linda and Lydia. In their youth they were called "The Triplets". Selma was born while EAB was a pastor in Hilliard Ohio (Franklin County). She was blond but most of the children were known for the dark, dark hair.
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circa 1901-1902 |
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Franklin Clark Fry, Holy Trinity and the Riley boys.
I had always heard Dad mention that he was baptized by the notable Lutheran Pastor, Franklin Clark Fry. I must not have paid too much attention as I didn't realize what an important man he was. He baptized or confirmed several of the Riley boys at Holy Trinity in Akron. Clearly, Franklin Clark Fry was to become well known on the world's stage and was called "Mr Protestant."
In 1929 he received a call from Trinity Lutheran Church, Akron, Ohio, where he served as a pastor for 15 years until 1944. While there, membership increased from 1200 to 2700 members, in spite of the Great Depression. In 1930 he was elected Secretary of the ULCA Committee on Evangelism, a position he held for eight years. In addition he was elected to the ULCA Board of American Missions. In 1942 he was elected to the Executive Board of the ULCA. Then at the age of 44 he was elected President of the ULCA at its 1944 Biennial Convention. By wide majority he was consistently re-elected President of the ULCA at its 1946, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, and 1960 conventions. During that time he served in various national and international capacities, including President of Lutheran World Relief, a founder of the World Council of Churches, and a member of the Joint Commission on Lutheran Unity. Fry then served as the first president of the newly formed Lutheran Church in America from 1962 until his death in 1968.
Here is the link to read the article that appeared in Time (1958)
In 1929 he received a call from Trinity Lutheran Church, Akron, Ohio, where he served as a pastor for 15 years until 1944. While there, membership increased from 1200 to 2700 members, in spite of the Great Depression. In 1930 he was elected Secretary of the ULCA Committee on Evangelism, a position he held for eight years. In addition he was elected to the ULCA Board of American Missions. In 1942 he was elected to the Executive Board of the ULCA. Then at the age of 44 he was elected President of the ULCA at its 1944 Biennial Convention. By wide majority he was consistently re-elected President of the ULCA at its 1946, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, and 1960 conventions. During that time he served in various national and international capacities, including President of Lutheran World Relief, a founder of the World Council of Churches, and a member of the Joint Commission on Lutheran Unity. Fry then served as the first president of the newly formed Lutheran Church in America from 1962 until his death in 1968.
Here is the link to read the article that appeared in Time (1958)
Monday, July 4, 2011
This picture was labeled by Selma as1915. By the pattern of the stars it appears to be a 45 star flag, in use from 1896-1908.
Given how old EAB appears and the age of the daughters, 1915 does look right. Selma didn't identify the three girls. Maybe Selma in the middle?
Mom and Dad's neighborhood has a parade every year. This picture is from the Bicentennial. Ray was part of the Kazoo Band and I am in the convertible in the background. Judy was on a float as the Statue of Liberty, can't find the picture. The tradition continues and when my boys were small they were in the parade too.
This was from 1992 (500th Anniversary --1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue. They were Montezuma and Cortez (makes sense because their father is an Anthropologist who studies Mexico).
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy First Anniversary to John and Gretchen Riley
We had a wonderful family weekend a year ago today. Many cousins, aunts and uncles gathered in Columbus to celebrate with John and Gretchen. Here are a few pictures from that day.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
No real post for July 2, sorry
When doing on-line research, many times you can spend hours and end up no where. Well, that is what happened tonight...I was really ADD and kept following things that looked interesting (and they were) but weren't relevant to this Blog. I just looked at the clock and it's 11 PM and I don't have anything to post. Enjoy your holiday weekend.
Friday, July 1, 2011
July 1st is a Birthday Day here on the blog
July 1 is a busy birthday day in the Riley Family.
Bonnie Way Riley, wife of Ron Riley, is celebrating her birthday. They live in the Orlando, Florida area. She is the mother of four sons: Russell, Greg, Kent, and Troy.
The second birthday being celebrated today is my cousin, Liz Riley Marshall. She is the daughter of Mark and Minnalu Riley. I don't have early pictures of Liz (hint hint Katie).
The final birthday is that of my father, Ray Riley. He is the fifth of six Riley boys. Sidney Riley was his father and Selma Brueggeman was his mother. He is the biggest fan of this blog. I feel like I'm giving him a gift everyday. If he was the only reader ( and maybe my Uncle Dave ) it would be totally worth it. LOVE YOU DAD!
Bonnie Way Riley, wife of Ron Riley, is celebrating her birthday. They live in the Orlando, Florida area. She is the mother of four sons: Russell, Greg, Kent, and Troy.
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Taken in 1957 |
The final birthday is that of my father, Ray Riley. He is the fifth of six Riley boys. Sidney Riley was his father and Selma Brueggeman was his mother. He is the biggest fan of this blog. I feel like I'm giving him a gift everyday. If he was the only reader ( and maybe my Uncle Dave ) it would be totally worth it. LOVE YOU DAD!
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